【同义词辨析】 2018-11-07 生动graphic-pictorial

graphic: stresses the evoking of a clear lifelike image: a ~ account of his combat experiences. (life 1) 生命 2)生活,这里指生活,好像生活中遇到看到听到)

vivid: stresses the intense vital quality of either the description or the response to it: a ~ re-creation of an exciting history. vital有生命力活力,具备生物特有的生长繁殖能力implies energy and power to grow and reproduce that are characteristic of life,如all of his vital functions seemed normal他生命功能正常) (词根viv表示to live,如revival复活,vivacious性格活泼(女子),bon vivant懂得生活的人,vivisection活体解剖,和本例)

picturesque: suggests the presence of features notable for qualities such as distinctness, unfamiliarity, sharp contrast, and charm: Dickens is famous for his ~ characters.     distinct独特,unfamiliar不熟悉,contrast对比

pictorial: implies representation of a vivid picture with emphasis on colors, shapes, and spatial relations: a ~ style of poetry marked by precise, developed imagery.

graphic形象的: 形容清晰详细好像生活中实际能看到,常指不好事物,vivid生动的: 形容描述得有活力生命力,picturesque别致优美: 除了生动这一基本意思外,还表示既与众不同有魅力,pictorial生动如画的: 形容颜色形状空间关系生动如画(vivid picture)

记忆方法: 1)首字母PPVG篇篇无感<==不生动

        2)生动的意思是形容清晰给人视觉印象的语言mean giving a clear visual impression especially in words.